SHAME ON YOU..Media and Judicial System

It amazes me that just because now a magazine wants to get in on the action, Bill Cosby is guilty.  This is a smear campaign.  Let’s look at the scenario from the beginning.  A comedian who wanted to get in good with some….folks, accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault and rape- That flourished the internet.  The Media, then stated that Bill Cosby secretly drugged the ladies.  The transcripts came out and it states that : Did you know you were taking a Quaalude? answer: Yes.  So since it wasn’t a secret to the women, the media changed its angle.  Saying that he drugged the women.  Something Bill Cosby stated himself. Now, they are opening sealed documents from over 10 years ago. Now call me crazy, sealed has a definition of its own.

My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing… America has a judicial system that is not for African Americans.  I have watched numerous beatings and unethical practices done by police officers, and police officers get off.  I’ve watched people destroy O.J. Simpson things when they didn’t like the verdict.  I’ve sat on a trial listening to a transplant from Texas say, “I’m not going to let that guy get off because he can sue the cops.”  Now, I’m a very open-minded person, and do not like to prejudge.  But society is showing its true colors by pursuing this.  When someone says the LGBT society is just like the treatment of blacks…this is when once again it differs.  This is when the treatment goes to the extreme.  I’m not in favor of sexual assault, or abuse, but all of the women have something in common.  They wanted private time with Mr. Cosby; they all knew he was married; they wanted a favor; they had an ulterior motive; no one is speaking about that.  Because when perhaps Paris H; L. Lohan, or someone else got high and had sex it seemed to be okay.  Now, 10-20 or more years later, the media will pursue and attack the black man Bill Cosby; smear his credentials….open sealed documents….SHAME ON YOU MEDIA SHAME ON YOU JUDICIAL SYSTEM. SHAME ON YOU.


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